Celebrate this Week

In the morning.

I am enjoying a brilliantly sunny, blue-sky, green-trees, summerishly warm morning. Who knew it would jump from highs in the mid-50s to the highs in the 80s in less than 24 hours? We slept with the windows open and a fan running last night.

With my kitchen door open, I am enjoying sounds far and near. The faint hum of the freeway traffic moving through the canyon is a background for the distant roar of on-time departures from the airport, the intermittent whoosh of local traffic as it is released and stopped by the traffic light at the top of our hill, and the tick-tock of my very old kitchen wall clock.

It is too early for the voices of children on the streets and Middle School grounds. It is even too early for the construction sounds and voices of workers at the building site of four new homes in our neighborhood.

In the evening.

It’s been two hours since the sun set. The air is cool, heavy with the coming rain, full of night sounds. The smell of supper lingers in my kitchen. Soon I will close this day. And in the morning, I know the sun will rise again. When it does, today will become yesterday and tomorrow will be today.

God is faithful.

I pause to celebrate the rising and setting of the sun. It bookends my days — a daily reminder of God’s great faithfulness.


Five Minute Friday : should

00:00.00  Begin a five minute stream of consciousness on paper.

Should is a strong word.
It is full of obligation, full of necessity.
It bids me do, or be, or say.
Sometimes negated by “not.”
Now, that can be good.
Part of commitment, part of being responsible…
Perhaps a command.
But it can also be bondage.
The pressure to do, or be, or say
what someone else decides.
There are two sides . . .
How do I know which should should I followed?
Here’s how…
When the night is becoming day, before my feet
touch the floor, my heart
hears the whispers of God
And when I listen, I know which should
I must pay attention to.
He leads me.

05:01.19 Stop

Friday afternoon postscript.

All day I’ve been pondering this word should . . . and I just had to return to add a postscript.
The word should by itself isn’t the source of our reaction, but rather, the words that precede it and follow it within the sentence.

Thank you Kate Motaung for hosting.
Read more about Five Minute Friday. #fmfparty

I’m linking up with Ruth Ayres
where bloggers share something
they are celebrating. Thank you Ruth for #Celebratelu.