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Celebrate this Week : Family.

[I’ve linked up with Ruth Ayres where bloggers share something they are celebrating.]

I celebrate family every week, but this week it is extra special. On Sunday we all knew we were into the final countdown.  A countdown that has lasted ten long months.

It was last July when all of us, all twenty-six of us –my oldest son and family, my daughter and family, my youngest son and family, gathered to hug, cry, say all the things you hadn’t said in the past five weeks, hug some more, then just stand around together, and finally squeeze hug and kiss farewell as my youngest son and family departed for their home in South America.

And so on Mother’s Day our foremost topic was their arrival for this year’s visit. We were down to three days. On Tuesday afternoon the countdown shifted from days to hours. On Wednesday they arrived. And no one has ever seen more hugging, jumping, and squealing as went on between those cousins.

Friday evening the weather was so beautiful we cleaned off our three and a half picnic tables (the half table is the little kids table), fired up the family grill and whipped up an unplanned hamburger / hotdog barbecue (unplanned times are so easy because our backyards run together).

Five Minute Friday : Truth.

[I’ve linked up with Kate Motaung where bloggers share their five minute quick write on a chosen word.]



Twenty-two of us around our backyard picnic tables.

Thank you Kate Motaung for hosting.
Read more about Five Minute Friday. #fmfparty

I’m linking up with Ruth Ayres
where bloggers share something
they are celebrating. Thank you Ruth for #Celebratelu.