Poetry Friday  *  March Slice of Life No. 2.

“Today you are you, that is truer than true.
There is no one alive who is youer than you.”
Dr. Suess, Happy Birthday to You


During February, I wrote poetry with a wonderful community of poets. On Day 21, Rebecca Herzog gave us our prompt — “Winter Gator” by John Herzog.  Inspired by “Winter Gator,” I wrote “No Snow for Me”– an abbreviated imitation of Dr. Seuss’ Green Eggs and Ham.

 No Snow for Me!

I be Gator. I be Gator. Gator I be.

That Gator-I-Be! That Gator-I-Be!
I do not like that Gator-I-Be!

Would you like to skate or ski?

I do not like to, Gator-I-Be.
I do not like to skate or ski.

Would you like to here or there?

I do not like to here or there.
I do not like to anywhere.
I do not like to skate or ski.
I do not like to, Gator-I-Be.

Would you like to sled in snow?
We can make it go real slow.

I do not want to sled in snow.
I do not want to go real slow.
I do not like to here or there.
I do not like to anywhere.
I do not like to skate or ski.
I do not like to, Gator-I-Be.

Would you? Could you? On the slopes?
Climb them. Climb them. Here are ropes.

I would not, could not, on the slopes.
I do not like to climb with ropes.
I do not want to sled in snow.
I do not want to go real slow.
I do not like to here or there.
I do not like to anywhere.
I do not like to skate or ski.
I do not like to, Gator-I-Be.

You do not like to skate or ski?

I do not like to, Gator-I-Be.
Please, no snow for me!

© Alice Nine 2018

*  *  *  *

And then after I wrote this poem, the very next day, snow began to fall, and it continued off and one with melting in between for the next three days. The final snow was like cotton puffs.

A snow puff cradled in the branches of a bush.

Snow wrapped around every limb, branch, twig of our old walnut tree.


Head over to
for more slice of life stories.

Renee at No Water River is hosting
the week’s Round-Up.
Poetry Friday Schedule
January – June 2018