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Digital PD: Johnny Can Spell Word Study

Online at

Systematic, Explicit Phonics Integrated with Handwriting and Spelling Registration is OPEN Register to fit your schedule Work at your convenience Self-paced DIGITAL (online) PD. DATES: Enrollment fits your schedule. Although begin/end dates are listed for this course, it will actually begin for you on the day you complete registration, and your enrollment will be for […]

Digital PD: Writing for STAAR

Online at

"Response writing starts with the answer from reading." Don't delay. Enroll anytime! Self-paced. TELL ME ABOUT THE WORKSHOP. How can we teach evidence-based response writing so that our students achieve a high performance level on RLA STAAR? Alice Nine's virtual, on-demand workshop "Writing for STAAR" shows you how.  In the looming shadow of the redesigned […]