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Slice of Life Tuesdays #190903.

The air is dry, scented with fading lavender and blooming peppermint that line my walkway.

Pears and apples are falling, those that the squirrels haven’t already claimed.

My rose bushes are still bearing buds, promising a few more blossoms.

The grass is brown and will remain that way until October rains come.

Sounds of school — buses slowing to turn our corner, voices of children walking our sidewalks, and dismissal bells — are binding up the loose routines that filled summer.

It is September.

When September arrives, I feel such a mix of emotions, for I hate to say goodby to summer, but I love fall’s brilliantly warm colors and bonfire evenings.

Yesterday I admired some sunflowers that towered above me. Coupled with thoughts of our waning summer, these sunflowers inspired me to draft a poem. Not sure of its title, not sure it’s finished, but I’ll share it anyway.

Above all others,
I stand tall, straight,
Lifting my face,
Engulfed in her warmth.

I beg her to stay.

She says she must go.
Her days are spent.
The land is parched.
We need a change.

I entreat her to listen.

Look how I’ve flourished
While you’ve been here.
Surely we can continue
This life we’ve begun.

I wait for her answer.

The heat of the day
Turns chilly that night.
Geese fly south.
Pears fall.

I bow my head.

Softly she whispers,
Drop your seeds, for
when I return they’ll grow
tall, above all others.

© 2019 Alice Nine

Slice of Life Tuesdays
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Two Writing Teachers

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