Spiritual Journey Thursday

Poetry Friday

“To every thing there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under the heaven . . .”
Ecclesiastes 3:1

Spiritual Journey Thursday: Carol invited me to join the Spiritual Journey Community to write about the Spirit of Spring. I must admit my thoughts ran many directions, in and out and around the physical season that we experience as earth revolves around the sun, the seasons of our years as celebrated by the passing of birthdays, and the spiritual seasons as we walk in faith.

Poetry Friday: I’ve chosen to express my thoughts in a poem. And though, it speaks of the physical season, it also speaks metaphorically of the other two.



Spring is here
for winter is past.

White clouds drift overhead
on sounds of a warm breeze,
light without winter’s cold load.

The sun, warm against my face,
has awaken sap in our maples,
and birdsongs fill the air.

Buds on leafless branches
unfurl their colors beside dark
needles of winter pines.

Dandelions, blossoms of toddler love,
drift over green grasses,
tiny suns sprinkled on earth.

Along the walk, bold purple irises
nod to scarlet tulips clustered
in the shadow of azaleas.

Each leaf, each blossom speaks
a language that transcends
my mortal words.

Their poetry feeds my soul.
In this present I am mindful,
cherishing these gifts of life.

Sacredness surrounds me
in the wonder of creation
my heart praises God.

For winter is past
and spring is here.

© 2019 Alice Nine (draft)

A big thanks to Carol who is rounding us up for Spiritual Journey Thursday over at Beyond LiteracyLink.
This week’s
#PoetryFriday Roundup
is hosted by
Jama at Jama’s Alphabet Soup
Poetry Friday Schedule
Jan – June 2019

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