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Talking Crow

March Slice of Life No. 12. I. Relaxing in lawn chairs, we soak up the warm March sun. EM is bouncing around, shooting hoops, rolling on her belly on the basketball, sitting on the porch steps. II. Caw…caw! Caw…caw! The raucous call of a crow comes from...
Bug Wisdom from EM

Bug Wisdom from EM

 Slice of Life. It was our first warm spring day, temps reaching the 80’s. In the northwest, as summer approaches and the earth’s axis tilts toward the sun, the sun is actually closer to us than it is to our southern sister states. And its rays are more...
Lessons with EM

Lessons with EM

Slice of Life. Solving Problems Too often we give our children answers to remember rather than problems to solve.  –Roger Lewin Big brother TM has been working on his math lesson at the table, and now Mom’s checking his work with him. EM, the...
A Tale of Four Shirts

A Tale of Four Shirts

Slice of Life March Challenge. No. 16. Part I. Have you ever shopped for four look-alike dress shirts in four different sizes, the smallest being 12-18 month size?  Oh, I must add that they must be on reduced pricing ’cause who wants to pay full price on...

All Done Talking

Tuesday Slice of Life : February 21, 2017. My morning began with thoughts that turned into a poem. When from slumber I awaken, I will embrace the newness of this day. I will ponder issues of life before a fog of routines blurs my thinking. I will listen to my heart...

Five Significant Happenings

Celebrate this Week : February 11, 2017. What does it mean to celebrate? Webster writes, celebrate  |ˈseləˌbrāt|  verb [ with obj. ] 1 publicly acknowledge (a significant or happy day or event) with a social gathering or enjoyable activity I am hereby publicly...