Spring 3.21.25

Spring 3.21.25

Winter is over; bring on spring with slow walks under a warm sun along a country path bordered by daffodils. Sounds sooooo good! Ah! Spring!How do you define spring?Days turn warmer with nights still chillyLeaves on trees begin again to growFlowers bloom to cheer...
For Now . . . But Then

For Now . . . But Then

“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” 1 Cor. 13:12. It was about noon on Friday, and we were returning home from the west side. Carl asked me if I wanted to go...
Inhale. Exhale.

Inhale. Exhale.

March Slice of Life No. 3. Early Sunday Morning Early Sunday morning . . . Sounds like a distant train whistle floating over the hush of my world at rest. Smells like the darkness of coffee in my favorite mug, warming my hands Tastes like crisp bacon and a slice...


Slice of Life. I couldn’t resist. No matter how much I had on my desk, I just couldn’t resist. The morning was so beautiful, I had to go outside. So I took a noticing walk around my back yard. Hushed beauty under the warmth of filtered sunlight. The light...
A Special Day

A Special Day

Spiritual Journey: Special Days Sunday. The first day of the week. Always a new beginning. Sundays always have been and always will be a special day for me. A day different from all the other days of the week. A day to join with others in song and prayer and scripture...
Teach Writing Well

Teach Writing Well

Slice of Life. It was Friday, February 13th, and I was thinking about lots of things and trying to wrap up a lot of loose ends. I spent some delightful time with the #PoetryFriday community at the Happy Birthday party for Lee Bennett Hopkins over at Robyn’s...