Blueberry Month

Blueberry Month

It’s July, the month of blueberries! This year we are still waiting for them to ripen… any day now! When I was a girl in New Jersey, we picked them in the wild. Now my dear friend Karen shares her verdant blueberry patch with us. Ah, blueberries are so...


Poetry Friday Happy National Poetry Month, April 2019. SPARKS At the end of day I sit by the fire Under the falling darkness as day fades and night engulfs I think of light and warmth. The campfire pulls me in . . . builds a bridge from years lived to years yet to...
The Bike Ride

The Bike Ride

March Slice of Life No. 28 BACKSTORY It was the summer of Mt. St. Helens. We were living in Arlington, Texas – then a small town situated between Dallas and Fort Worth. By early June, a high pressure ridge had formed over the Midwest, refusing to be budged, swathing...
Winter Trees

Winter Trees

March Slice of Life No. 26 Branches scratching the sky, begging for a blanket of snow. EM is a delightful kindergartner. She likes pink and all things chocolate.EN, one of EM’s four older brothers,is a wise second grader.EM and EN are best buddies. On a winter...
Pays to Pay Attention

Pays to Pay Attention

March Slice of Life No. 25. Entry from my Travel Journal. Sitting at the Gate 18A … will board my flight shortly. It’s raining… and I’m hoping weather doesn’t delay my flight. I hate getting into a place late at night… heading to...
If you can …

If you can …

March Slice of Life No. 22.Poetry Friday If you can dream and not make dreams your master;If you can think and not make thoughts your aim; . . .From “If–” by Rudyard Kipling I was digitally thumbing pages in a teacher book* from yesteryear: Poems...