

March Slice of Life No. 19 I’ve heard it said that to be healthy, we should have at least one roll-on-the-floor laugh each day. My grandkids often provide me one, sometimes shared via texting. Just the other day, my grandsons were engaged in their daily silent...
JCSpell Word Study

JCSpell Word Study

Integrating phonemic awareness, handwriting, phonics, spelling, and vocabulary Registration is OPEN. El Paso, Texas Workshop Summary Alice Nine will show you how to integrate the following during Word Study lessons, without worksheets: phonemic awareness with sounds...
JCSpell Word Study

JCSpell Word Study

Integrating phonemic awareness, handwriting, phonics, spelling, and vocabulary Registration is OPEN. El Paso, Texas Workshop Summary Alice Nine will show you how to integrate the following during Word Study lessons, without worksheets: phonemic awareness with sounds...
Word Studies with JCSpell

Word Studies with JCSpell

Word Studies with Johnny Can Spell. Workshop Day at Socorro ISD. plus digital course. WIN Academy Teachers. El Paso, Texas. CLOSED enrollment. Participation by invitation only.
Johnny Can Spell Word Study- All Grades

Johnny Can Spell Word Study- All Grades

Alice Nine will show you how to integrate phonemic awareness with sounds and syllables — systematic, explicit phonics — handwriting instruction — spelling practice — word grammar — and how-to sound out words for reading and writing in...

Eating Bugs

March Slice of Life No. 22. It was a nondescript day. EM and EN were playing within earshot of the discussion going on at the kitchen table, a discussion between their three older brothers and Mommy, a life science discussion, a discussion about taste buds. Suddenly,...