

March Slice of Life No. 10. I.I finally caved and joined a poetry writing community, taking up the challenge to write a poem each day from a “food” prompt for the month of March. Today’s prompt was a collage of seed photos. Here’s one of them,...
Saving Time

Saving Time

March Slice of Life No. 9. Saving time? Really?Every spring, I grumble about moving my clock ahead an hour. Arizona and Hawaii do not participate in the time change. I know this about Arizona because I often connect through PHX. I must think of PHX time as MST all...
Harbor Seals

Harbor Seals

A Photo Exchange:  More than Meets the Eye A Guest Post by Cathy Miller Last month Margaret at Reflections on the Teche invited her readers to participate in “More than Meets the Eye” photo exchange. I eagerly joined in, but somehow I missed that I needed a blog to...
Cathy’s Red Fox

Cathy’s Red Fox

Poetry Friday. A Photo Exchange:  More than Meets the Eye In April, Margaret Simon and Molly Hogan came up with a plan and invited poets to join in a photo/poetry exchange. Those who were interested submitted a form and then Margaret matched us with someone in a...
Scent of Salmon

Scent of Salmon

Poetry Friday. Chinook The scent of salmon lingers. Creek waters ripple over smooth stones. Cedar and moss fill the air. At dusk, near water’s edge, bears feast. While snow covers the ground, eggs wait in nesting pockets. Winter turns to spring and in gravelly...
Poets Paint

Poets Paint

Poetry Friday. Poets paint with words Words form images my eyes can’t see breathe my thoughts to life and nourish my soul Words sing tunes I’ve not learned dance strange rhythms in my feet and pierce ignorance with light Words wrap ’round me like a...