“I like READING!”

“I like READING!”

Slice of Life Tuesdays #190910. She bounces through the backdoor, holding a gift bag by its chocolate brown ribbon handles. Pink it is — trimmed at its bottom edge in brown with rows of white polka dots the size of the punched holes of loose-leaf paper forming...


Slice of Life Tuesdays #190903. The air is dry, scented with fading lavender and blooming peppermint that line my walkway. Pears and apples are falling, those that the squirrels haven’t already claimed. My rose bushes are still bearing buds, promising a few more...
This Is a Test

This Is a Test

Slice of Life Tuesdays #190507 It was Wednesday morning, and we were doing what we love doing — taking a long beach walk. It was a cool 49 and the beach was nearly empty. A lone fisherman wearing waders was fishing for surfperch. We hadn’t walked far when...
Filled with Song

Filled with Song

Slice of Life Tuesdays #190430 This is not my story, although I’m sharing it. It is not my daughter-in-law’s story, although she told it. It is the story of people I have not met, people with a song. I.Inspiration to share this Story On Sunday, I visited Kiesha...
I Have a Reason

I Have a Reason

Slice of Life Tuesdays #190423 Entry for April 22 from my 2014 Personal Journal– I.I AWOKE in the early morning hours in the midst of a battle, and these words were swelling out of my spirit like a mighty sword — cutting down words of men and fear that I might...
Pink Snow

Pink Snow

Slice of Life Tuesdays #190408 The Tree.Spring is synonymous with the blooming of our beautiful pink saucer magnolia (aka: Chinese magnolia, Tulip Tree). Sometime between the second week of March and the first of April, the buds that started swelling on sunny winter...