JCSpell Word Study

JCSpell Word Study

Integrating phonemic awareness, handwriting, phonics, spelling, and vocabulary Registration is OPEN. El Paso, Texas Workshop Summary Alice Nine will show you how to integrate the following during Word Study lessons, without worksheets: phonemic awareness with sounds...
Scent of Salmon

Scent of Salmon

Poetry Friday. Chinook The scent of salmon lingers. Creek waters ripple over smooth stones. Cedar and moss fill the air. At dusk, near water’s edge, bears feast. While snow covers the ground, eggs wait in nesting pockets. Winter turns to spring and in gravelly...
Johnny Can Spell Word Study- All Grades

Johnny Can Spell Word Study- All Grades

Alice Nine will show you how to integrate phonemic awareness with sounds and syllables — systematic, explicit phonics — handwriting instruction — spelling practice — word grammar — and how-to sound out words for reading and writing in...
I Was Caught

I Was Caught

March Slice of Life No. 19 EN leans in toward me, swinging his leg off the edge of a grown-up chair. His eyes are laughing as he puts his hand up near his mouth like he is about to tell an important secret. “Gramma.” I motion a quiet sign to remind him to...


March Slice of Life No. 6. I learned a new word. The text A limerick by Diane Mayr There once was a ‘gator named Nathan who eschewed the state of brumation. He skied and he skated– and was truly elated– to became an Olympic sensation. The word...
“Pig flu . . .”

“Pig flu . . .”

Tuesday Slice of Life : January 10, 2017 A game of hangman using the Bible story words is a favorite of the kids in my Sunday school class. If you’ve ever played hangman, you know that all the letters guessed are recorded — those that are in the word or...