Harbor Seals

Harbor Seals

A Photo Exchange:  More than Meets the Eye A Guest Post by Cathy Miller Last month Margaret at Reflections on the Teche invited her readers to participate in “More than Meets the Eye” photo exchange. I eagerly joined in, but somehow I missed that I needed a blog to...
The Gossip of SOL17

The Gossip of SOL17

Slice of Life March Challenge. No. 30. On my post yesterday Kevin (aka dogtrax) threw out a challenge in the his comment, and I took him up on it . . . in a way.  This morning I gathered 112 blog names from Slicers who had posted for the 29th day on Two Writing...
Marshmallow Cannon

Marshmallow Cannon

We made a mini-marshmallow cannon. You need a balloon, toilet tissue roll, and a few marshmallows. Tie the mouth of the balloon in a knot. Cut off the bulb end of the balloon. Stretch it and pull over the toilet tissue roll to assemble. If you have a wide rubber band...
Who doesn’t love an angel?

Who doesn’t love an angel?

For our preschool class, I try to come up with a story craft that is something they can easily hold. They really seem to like those the most. Sometimes it has a handle, sometimes it’s on a craft stick or slips over their hand or fingers. Sometimes it fastens on...