by Alice Nine | A9 Journal, Literacy |
March Slice of Life No. 14. Thinking about writing, I open Country Life in American (1913) to the last article I had been reading. I turn a few digital pages to “Inside the House that Jack Built.” “Chapter IV. The Owner’s Bedroom,” part...
by Alice Nine | Literacy |
Take a peek inside my notebook that I use for my Snippety Grammar 4 Editing STAARs workshop . . . Visit Snippety Grammar 4 Editing STAARs on my Calendar. Take a peek inside my notebook that I use for my Writing STAAR Essays workshop . . . Visit Writing STAAR...
by Alice Nine | Literacy |
Growing Strong Writers is a series of professional development workshops. In these workshops, I am attentive to the importance of daily writing practice, the complex demands of learning English, and a desire to cultivate a love for writing. These workshops offer...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal, In My Classroom, Literacy |
Slice of Life. Using giant binder clips, I draped a pocket chart from a low easel at the carpet area. At the bottom of it, I fastened a chart of coordinating conjunctions showing the age-old acronym FANBOYS. I was ready when second graders tumbled into the classroom,...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal, In My Classroom, Indexed, Literacy |
I flew six thousand miles from Pacific to Atlantic to Pacific to spend three wonderful days teaching in kindergarten through third grade classrooms in two Brooklyn schools. Travel … Here are a couple views from my window in the sky: NYC skyline as we approach...
by Alice Nine | In My Classroom, Literacy |
Poetry Friday. An Interactive Poetry Notebook. Last year, I shared a post about my interactive poetry notebook: Poetry Notebook: Day One. In this post, I’ll share pointers for Day Two. Whereas Day One is about listening–letting the poem flow over...
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