A Photo Exchange:  More than Meets the Eye
A Guest Post by Cathy Miller

Last month Margaret at Reflections on the Teche invited her readers to participate in “More than Meets the Eye” photo exchange. I eagerly joined in, but somehow I missed that I needed a blog to share the photo from my partner and the poem that I would write.  The long and short of it?  Alice Nine and I were paired, and I’m posting as a guest on her blog.


Pacific Harbor Seals at Otter Rock, Oregon / Photo from Alice Nine


Sweet Pacific harbor seals
Sunning on a rock!
Looking ‘round from left to right–
Each one taking stock.
Hoping for a jumping fish
Or, perhaps, a school!
Readying themselves to dive
In that giant pool!
Oh, how warm the sunshine feels
On their spotted skins.
So delighted are those seals–
As noted by their grins!
Ah, to be a harbor seal
Lazing all the day…
Makes me long for summertime
When its MY turn to play!

© Catherine Miller. All rights reserved.

And here’s the red fox, the one I see from my window, the one I shared with Alice, the one she wrote her poem about.


Margaret at Reflections on the Teche is our hostess this week for #PoetryFriday.

Thank you Margaret!


Cathy Miller
Literacy Coach at John B. Sliney School
Branford Public Schools, Branford, CT
Twitter:  @1cathymiller