Poetry Friday.

During the next few weeks,
schools will be closing for summer vacation.
As a tribute to teachers everywhere,
I share Mattie Stepanek’s poem–
written when he was eight years old.

May it bring you a few chuckles even as it has me.

Not Quite What I Expected

It’s the last day of school!
Everyone is so happy!
They’re laughing,
Running around, and
Talking with friends.
I expected that!
I expected happy kids, and
I expected sad teachers,
Who would miss their students.
I went out with the teachers
To wave goodbye to the buses
Loaded with cheering kids.
The teachers waved,
So sadly, and shouted:
“Bye! Miss you! Be good!
Have a nice summer!”
Then when the last bus
Was out of sight
Mrs. Jenkins went out
On the blacktop
And danced around singing,
“Hooray! They’re gone!
We’re free! We’re free!”
All the other teachers
Laughed and clapped.
Sometimes, things are
Not quite what I expected.

by Mattie J. T. Stepanek, June 1998
Celebrate through Heartsongs


About  Mattie J. T. Stepanek. He did so much living and learning and sharing in his short fourteen years.

Margaret at Reflections on the Teche is hosting
the Poetry Friday Roundup today.
Join us there!  Thank you, Margaret!

Poetry Friday Schedule: 2017 January – June.
Poetry Friday Guidelines
More about Poetry Friday