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We were well into the morning session of the first day of professional development. It was a summer Monday, kinda laid back but with an undercurrent of eagerness–the kind of eagerness teachers have at the beginning of a new year.

Most of the 30 plus teachers gathered in the library had already spent fifteen or more hours with me online. And I had sensed a feeling of familiarity when they greeted me that first morning. Like we had already met, like they knew me as a friend. That is definitely a mutual perk of flipped professional development–you know, the kind of PD where first there is some online learning with the staff developer and then there is a face-to-face on-site day.

Well, it was time for a stretch break. I set the timer for 12 minutes, set the projector screen to blank, and started toward the lounge. As I stepped through the library door, an enormous black panther with gleaming yellow eyes stared at me from the hallway wall. Directly beneath him was a cart loaded with boxes–Johnny Can Spell –Johnny Can Write shipping boxes.

I smiled and thought, it is a sign, a wonderful sign! With this black panther guarding our materials, we are bound to have a wonderful week.

And wonderful it was!
Thank you, Clovis educators!
