by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
March Slice of Life No. 21. It is booster shot day! Every mother knows the misery of that day. My daughter has scheduled two in one — two kids in one visit. I think she is very brave. Characters: EM, a pink girl, almost five EN, big brother, in first grade Mommy...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
March Slice of Life No. 20. SPRING ARRIVES TODAY at 9:15 AM PDT On the vernal equinox, all over the world, day and night are balanced — twelve hours of light, twelve hours of darkness. And all over the world, the sun rises due east and sets due west. I took...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
March Slice of Life No. 19 EN leans in toward me, swinging his leg off the edge of a grown-up chair. His eyes are laughing as he puts his hand up near his mouth like he is about to tell an important secret. “Gramma.” I motion a quiet sign to remind him to...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
March Slice of Life No. 18. So the evening and the morning were . . . And God saw that it was good. –Gen. 1 twilight diffused-light candle between sun and moon and sun daybreak to sunrise, sunset to nightfall stars hide and return, sun rises and sets slowly...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
March Slice of Life No. 17 * Celebrate This Week. I found my slice on a book cover. I was sorting through a dozen randomly organized books. [Isn’t that an oxymoron?] These books are on a the shelf next to the place where my carry-on bag waits in my office for...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
March Slice of Life No. 16 * Poetry Friday. I. Slicing with green– I have already selected something green to wear on Saturday, lest I forget and one of my kids or grandkids come by. I know they won’t forget. And since Saturday is St. Patrick’s...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
March Slice of Life No. 15. We arrived late afternoon for our annual end-of-summer beach week. We unpacked. [Funny how two words represent over an hour’s worth of work.] Then we eagerly headed to the path that would take us through waving sea grasses, over a...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal, Literacy |
March Slice of Life No. 14. Thinking about writing, I open Country Life in American (1913) to the last article I had been reading. I turn a few digital pages to “Inside the House that Jack Built.” “Chapter IV. The Owner’s Bedroom,” part...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
March Slice of Life No. 13. I watch the jet bridge for Gate A28 move slowly like a giant arm toward us, latching onto our plane. The seat belt sign blinks off with a ding. Buckle clicks in rapid fire follow. In a single automatic move — quick and sweeping...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
March Slice of Life No. 12. I. Relaxing in lawn chairs, we soak up the warm March sun. EM is bouncing around, shooting hoops, rolling on her belly on the basketball, sitting on the porch steps. II. Caw…caw! Caw…caw! The raucous call of a crow comes from...
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