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Transformed Discovery

Transformed Discovery

Poetry Friday : February 24, 2017. Transformed Discovery The pen of a poet is chanting a tale of bright stars glowing above the lost land complete with belching geysers, gurgling mud pots and simmering pools— transformed discovery on a magical summer night © 2017...

All Done Talking

Tuesday Slice of Life : February 21, 2017. My morning began with thoughts that turned into a poem. When from slumber I awaken, I will embrace the newness of this day. I will ponder issues of life before a fog of routines blurs my thinking. I will listen to my heart...

Empty Echoes

Poetry Friday : February 17, 2017. With the flourish of a pen, they rewrite the narrative, leaving us an empty echo, an artifact of memory, more porcelain than human, forever a plug in the cylinder of truth — those pseudo skeptics. © 2017 Alice Nine Question: Who are...
An Afternoon Moment

An Afternoon Moment

Tuesday Slice of Life : February 14, 2017. The day has been full of loose ends begging for my attention, interfering with my work on the things I had prioritized, the tasks I’d numbered this morning in my bullet journal. I’m working in what is called a...

Five Significant Happenings

Celebrate this Week : February 11, 2017. What does it mean to celebrate? Webster writes, celebrate  |ˈseləˌbrāt|  verb [ with obj. ] 1 publicly acknowledge (a significant or happy day or event) with a social gathering or enjoyable activity I am hereby publicly...
Color with Me

Color with Me

Poetry Friday : February 10, 2017. The other day, my four-year-old granddaughter gave me an invitation: “Color with me, Gramma.” Her sweet invitation, her enjoyment of the art of coloring, her love for new crayon boxes with no less than 24 colors —...

Words with -mb

Phonics : Question No 170207. “Could you explain the mb at the end of lamb?” -mb (as in lamb) is a consonant team for the sound /m/. I suppose we could teach it as a phonogram, much like we teach the phonogram gn (as in sign). However, unlike gn which...


Tuesday Slice of Life : February 7, 2017. This week I saw something I have never seen before. Not on a spring day. Not on a summer day. Not on a day when the leaves turn red. But on a wintry day this week, I saw it, this something that I’ve never seen before. We...