Poetry Friday
I share again a found poem I wrote last year,
words and phrases that I found in
“What Are We to Make of Jesus Christ?”
from God in the Dock by C. S. Lewis.
The Resurrection
Strangest story of all,
story of the Resurrection,
get the story clear–
something perfectly new
in the history of the universe.
Christ defeated death:
the door which had been locked
for the first time, forced open,
distinct from mere ghost-survival,
not a picture of survival after death.
Something new appeared
in the universe,
a new mode of being–
that is the story.
What are we going to make of it?
God has come down
Into the universe,
down to manhood
and come up again,
pulling it up with Him.
What are we to make of Christ?
You must accept
or reject the story.
Others say, This is truth;
He says, I am Truth.
Others, This is the way, the life;
He says, I am
the Way, the Life.
He says, Come to Me
everyone. I am Re-birth,
I am Life. I have overcome
the Universe. That is the issue,
the Resurrection Story.
© 2018 Alice Nine
A found poem from the words of C. S. Lewis

#PoetryFriday Roundup
is hosted by Amy at The Poem Farm
Poetry Friday Schedule
Jan – June 2019
I’m so glad you visited today,
and I do enjoy hearing from you!
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This is lovely. Thank you for sharing your found words from Lewis. I hope you have a joyous Easter.
Within found lines, you found hope, Alice. We reap the benefits of your placement of words to make a powerful poem for Easter Weekend. “I am Re-birth./I am Life.” (Words to remember and ponder.)
This is so lovely, Alice. Happy Easter!
I love your found poem! I’ve found so many wonderful treasures in his writing, too! Ruth, thereisnosuchthingasagodforsakentown.blogspot.com
Thank you, Ruth. I agree, his words contain treasures–some of which I do not tire of reading. May your weekend be blessed.
Beautiful, powerful words, Alice. Happy Easter to you and your family!
Thank you, Jama! And to you and yours, a Happy Easter!
It’s a wonderful ‘find’ of loving lines, Alice. Happy Easter to you and your family.
Thank you, Linda. And Happy Easter to you and yours, also!
Peace be with you, Alice. Joyful spring and Easter tidings! — Christie @ https://wonderingandwondering.wordpress.com/
Thank you, Christie. As I read your words I feel the blessing in them. Peace and joy to you, also!
Perfect for Easter. All found lines? Amazing and well crafted. Thank you. Happy Poetry Friday — Happy Easter.
Yes, Linda. All found lines. I don’t think I added a altered a single word. And if I recall correctly, most are in their original order. I remember that it was different from most found poems in that I consciously dropped words to find the poetry lines. Happy Poetry Friday and Happy Easter to you, also.
There is a magic in found poems. Thank you for sharing this one again as I missed it the first time. Happy Easter to you and yours…and Happy Poetry Friday too! (You won a book over at The Poem Farm…please just let me know where to send it! – amy at amylv dot com. xxxx
You say it so well: “There is a magic in found poems!” I will be sending you an email. Thank you!! Whoohoo!!
Glad you shared this gem. Loved “Others say, This is truth;
He says, I am Truth.”
I agree. Three words that gave me hope.