Pink Snow

Pink Snow

Slice of Life Tuesdays #190408 The Tree.Spring is synonymous with the blooming of our beautiful pink saucer magnolia (aka: Chinese magnolia, Tulip Tree). Sometime between the second week of March and the first of April, the buds that started swelling on sunny winter...


Slice of Life Tuesday #190402 Not all appreciation is expressed with a “thank you”… My daughter, her husband, and their five children were out and about doing errands and having fun the way families do. It was lunchtime and they were more than an...
A Smoothie

A Smoothie

March Slice of Life No. 30 It was very warm afternoon on a mid-August day the summer EN was four. I loaded the blender with the ingredients for a chocolate smoothie and threw in the lone banana from the fruit basket on the counter. I poured Carl a tall glass. As I was...
The Bike Ride

The Bike Ride

March Slice of Life No. 28 BACKSTORY It was the summer of Mt. St. Helens. We were living in Arlington, Texas – then a small town situated between Dallas and Fort Worth. By early June, a high pressure ridge had formed over the Midwest, refusing to be budged, swathing...
Winter Trees

Winter Trees

March Slice of Life No. 26 Branches scratching the sky, begging for a blanket of snow. EM is a delightful kindergartner. She likes pink and all things chocolate.EN, one of EM’s four older brothers,is a wise second grader.EM and EN are best buddies. On a winter...
The Gypsy

The Gypsy

March Slice of Life No. 24 She was the littlest one, just four and a half years old. She had black curly hair that framed her face with ringlets. Her skin was smooth with olive tones, tanned and rosy from outdoor play. She still had some of her toddler chubbiness. It...