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Pink Snow

Pink Snow

Slice of Life Tuesdays #190408 The Tree.Spring is synonymous with the blooming of our beautiful pink saucer magnolia (aka: Chinese magnolia, Tulip Tree). Sometime between the second week of March and the first of April, the buds that started swelling on sunny winter...
Where’s the Snow?

Where’s the Snow?

March Slice of Life No. 1#PoetryFriday On the valley floor, we’ve had pitifully little snow this winter. So when it was forecast off and on the past two weeks, a certain anticipation filled the air. Finally, on Tuesday, it began to snow. On Thursday, as I...
Epitaph for the Snows

Epitaph for the Snows

March Slice of Life No. 5. This will be my final post about snow for Winter 2017-18. The life and times of the Snows begin on February 19th and end on 28th. MONDAY Our world awakes to a thin white blanket. 9:30 AM. My grandkids build a “partially brown...
No Snow for Me

No Snow for Me

Poetry Friday  *  March Slice of Life No. 2. “Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.” Dr. Suess, Happy Birthday to You   During February, I wrote poetry with a wonderful community of poets. On Day 21,...
Partially Brown

Partially Brown

Slice of Life. It snowed. On Sunday, in the stillness of a windless afternoon, under heavy grey skies, gigantic wet flakes like confetti fell straight to the ground. Whenever it snows, I like to look at the trees and rooftops from our second story hallway dormer...


Poetry Friday : January 6, 2017 Grandkids are praying for snow. Weather forecasters are predicting snow. January is the month for snow. And I’m writing about snow. Here’s my haiku for snow. snowflakes softly drifting down one by one by one grandkids...