For Now . . . But Then

For Now . . . But Then

“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” 1 Cor. 13:12. It was about noon on Friday, and we were returning home from the west side. Carl asked me if I wanted to go...
Your name is NINE?

Your name is NINE?

March Slice of Life No. 14 From my Travel Journal “Strangers are just family you have yet to come to know.” –Mitch Albom I stepped from the car to the curb. The air was warm, as days in late September can be. Car exhaust was heavy. People were hugging and...
Travel Journal: TSA

Travel Journal: TSA

March Slice of Life No. 6. Travel Journal — You can’t make this stuff up! I am at Gate A22, waiting to board my last flight, PHX to PDX. Travelers are beginning the first steps of the boarding dance, pushing in toward the ropes that define the boarding lanes....
A Busy Monday

A Busy Monday

Slice of Life Monday is fading, and there is only one word for this one. Busy. I’m catching a morning flight tomorrow and will be out of my office all week. I will be away from home all week. It is the last day of the month. First quarter reports had to be...
On a Book Cover

On a Book Cover

March Slice of Life No. 17  *  Celebrate This Week. I found my slice on a book cover. I was sorting through a dozen randomly organized books. [Isn’t that an oxymoron?] These books are on a the shelf next to the place where my carry-on bag waits in my office for...


Slice of Life. It is still twilight when I pick up a banana and cup of coffee from the hotel breakfast buffet. My reserved Carmel Car drives up as I exit the lobby. I drop my bag onto the floorboard and slide into the back seat of the dark sedan, confirming my...