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Blueberry Pie

Blueberry Pie

Slice of Life March Challenge. No.23 This morning, I thumbed through some posts I wrote last year. One in particular caught my attention, one I wrote last July, a post about picking blueberries. I could feel a poem floating beneath the surface of the prose. So, I...


Tuesday Slice of Life : February 7, 2017. This week I saw something I have never seen before. Not on a spring day. Not on a summer day. Not on a day when the leaves turn red. But on a wintry day this week, I saw it, this something that I’ve never seen before. We...
It Snowed

It Snowed

Last night it snowed. A hushed white, a soft, muffling blanket tucked me in. Nothing to do, and so I did nothing. © Alice Nine Carol at Beyond Literacy Link is hosting #PoetryFriday this week. Come by and join in! And thank you...


Poetry Friday : January 6, 2017 Grandkids are praying for snow. Weather forecasters are predicting snow. January is the month for snow. And I’m writing about snow. Here’s my haiku for snow. snowflakes softly drifting down one by one by one grandkids...
Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice

Poetry Friday : December 23, 2016 The land tilts away. Sun skims the horizon For a quarter day, shortest day Vanishing into the earliest sunset. Plunged into darkness– No sunrise, no sunset– North Pole is beyond Sun’s reach. At its lowest point, Sun stands...
Walk on Ice

Walk on Ice

Tuesday Slice of Life : December 12, 2016. First, big wet, sloppy flakes fell. Then, the wind began to howl, driving the flakes sideways, changing them to little pellets of ice. The wind blew so ferociously that when my furnace shut off, the cold that had been...