Pays to Pay Attention

Pays to Pay Attention

March Slice of Life No. 25. Entry from my Travel Journal. Sitting at the Gate 18A … will board my flight shortly. It’s raining… and I’m hoping weather doesn’t delay my flight. I hate getting into a place late at night… heading to...
Our Day Begins

Our Day Begins

March Slice of Life No. 21 FREE WRITEcapturing morning moments Our day begins before the sun has risen, while darkness still blankets earth and our city slumbers, we put our breakfast dishes into the dishwasher, pour another cup of coffee and retire to our front room...
Writing STAAR™ Essays

Writing STAAR™ Essays

With an eye on STAAR™ — writing mentor essays and developing teaching points with Alice Nine. Registration for OCT 17 is CLOSED We have scheduled another session for OCT 15. El Paso, TX. Workshop Summary A one-day workshop day Learn how to show your...
A March Day

A March Day

March Slice of Life No. 17 I had finished mysecond coffee bythe time the sun rosein flaming colors acrossthe southeast sky. All morning I watched it cast the long shadows of our northwest winter. In the afternoon I walked to my daughter’s house. Brown leaves,...
Nicely Dressed

Nicely Dressed

March Slice of Life No. 16From my Travel Journal A man and a woman stop at the end of the row where I’m seated, within earshot, in an almost empty gate area. They arrange their luggage and converse briefly. With a comment about getting something to drink, the...