Slice of Life March Challenge. No. 30.
On my post yesterday Kevin (aka dogtrax) threw out a challenge in the his comment, and I took him up on it . . . in a way. This morning I gathered 112 blog names from Slicers who had posted for the 29th day on Two Writing Teachers. I also gather a few more blog names from Slicers who have commented on my posts throughout the March Challenge. I shuffled the names around a bit and I couldn’t believe what I learned. You will just have to read it for yourself! Just read with a bit of a Jabberwocky eye, and you learn some interesting things. It looks long, but you know how fast gossip gets around… well it is always a fast read, too.
Did You Hear?
Did you hear the latest
about A Day in the Life
of March slicers?
They say that Writing 328
is where some
Read Reflect Teach
while others
Read Write Share
and a few even
Read and Write with Sally.
Isn’t it amazing how they all
Enjoy and Embrace Writing?
Did you hear that
I’m Writing Too
about This and That.
It’s A Work in Progress
posted in My Reading Blog
with help from Diane and Lynne.
Trouble is, they like to debate
The Author’s Purpose
with Pitts Witts and Jarhartz,
with Terierrol and Karen Edmisten
that consumer of coffee.
Did you know that
if you’re a Mainer in Training,
then you should Mainely Write?
Just Nix the Comfort Zone
and Write Another One.
Don’t wait for the
Bridge Builder to come
or until Elsie Tries Writing about
her Garden Learning.
You must Write for Today
and not Just for a Month
because, you know,
It’s About Making Space for
Reading, Writing and Learning
in A Teaching Life!
Do you know about the ones who
Read. Write. Teach. Make Dinner,
like the Two Reflective Teachers?
We do love what they serve:
Jama’s Alphabet Soup,
a Slice of Life baked with
The Apples in My Orchard, and
some of Krueger Slices—
those Slices of Class Sprinkled with Crazy
Joodles Now and Then.
Who can refuse The Dirigible Plum.
or the Lit Bits and Pieces
of Poonam1? Yum!
And who doesn’t love
A Little of This, A Little of That
from our own newtreemom?
Did you know that
some say they are on Horizon 51?
They say it is so because they are
Reading to the Core,
Teaching for Life,
Growing Lifelong Learners,
and Raising Literate Humans.
They say we’re all Learning to be Readers
and Writers in the 21st Century.
Yet all the while they are
listening to Vanessa’s Voice,
Dreamin’ with Dar
about Books and Bassets,
Pelicans and Prose, and
All Things Purple.
Did you hear that
a Runner, Reader, and Rockin’ Mom were
Stopping by an English Class on a Random Day?
They were bearing Gifts
from Teachers for Teachers and then
they distributed Fall Hugs because they
wanted Kelapono — that was to do the right thing.
Did you hear that
they discovered Hannah’s Happenings
Between the By-road and the Main Road?
That’s where they say there was
Grinding with Graves.
And that’s where they saw travelin-ma
and others from aileen-hower’s blog
doing the Teacher Dance
while the RomeoLitCoach and
the LitCoach Lady—such a
Resource-Full pair—
were Teaching Wanderlust
and Living Life Twice.
And when they were asked about it,
they answered, There’s a Book for That.
Can you Imagine the Possibilities with
the Wondering and Wandering
of so many Fire Fly Trails in
The Life of a Conflicted Teacher?
Did you know that
Musings to Spark the Spirit were
shared in Coach B’s Reflections?
Don’t confuse them with the
Three Musings of
Kevin’s Meandering Mind,
recorded by his friend
Lanny Bell, Literacy Specialist,
on Scribbles and Stickies.
Did you hear that
Just Jantz came
From the Eye of a Tiger
that was found last year
in Brian’s Blurbs?
Or was it in Mrs Taylors’ Tales?
Anyway, it is all recorded by
One Grateful Teacher
in Lynne’s Blog that they left in
Mrs. Nabor’s Nook along
with her Sweaters and Sharpies.
Did you hear that
Digital Bonnie has been
Seeking Six books,
and she is asking everyone
Where’s the Joy in the
Sixty Seasons celebration?
And did you hear that
The Logonauts tried to give Arjeha
a Daily Dose of Dennis?
But it didn’t make a difference.
Yet There is a Method that
might work. It’s called Wordsmithing,
developed for those who
claim they Teach Workout Love.
Did you hear the
Whispers from the Ridge,
Beyond Literacy Link,
where Courage Does Not Roar?
There it was told that L Squared and
Molly Kirk blog when they’re
Exploring, Wondering, Writing about
their Reflections on the Teche.
Isn’t The Magic of Reflection in Teaching and Learning a wonder?
So let’s Live, Love, Teach.
And never quit Talking with Letters!
If you find yourself in the poem (all blog titles are italicized), please feel free to enter your blog name and its link in a Comments box below. I wish I could have include every Slicer, but time ran out. So please join us by sharing your blog name and link in a Comment box also. Please forgive if I misspelled or miscalled your blog name and send me the correction.
If you are interested in the process I used to write a poem from a list of titles, visit my post Slicing Titles Make a Poem. I didn’t cut strips with the 112 titles. I think you can tell what I did by looking at the photo.
Thank you, Two Writing Teachers, for hosting
2017 Slice of Life Story Challenge
This is loads of fun. And this year, I enjoy seeing the blogs of many who participated again. And I wonder… what happened to the others? Also, “read with a jabberwocky eye” is a great phrase – I think it needs to become a more used expression!
I found my Blog name- Gifts. It is a superb piece you created. What phenomenal idea. Thank you.
Fascinating work, Alice: concise, enjoyable fast read and so much fun to read. Thanks for including Beyond LiteracyLink where this weekend my #WinterWonder17 Gallery was unveiled with 60 plus contributors.
How did I miss this the first time around?? I’m so glad that you linked it to your Poetry Friday post. So clever! What a wonderful idea and it truly captures the spirit and fun of this writing adventure. Thanks, Alice!!
So glad you enjoyed it! I certainly enjoyed writing it.
This is incredible, Alice! It really captures the spirit of camaraderie and fun of our month of writing. Thank you for including me!
So clever! Love it.
That was a tremendously fun yearbook of our time together! I’m going to save this one so I can find everyone again.
SO much fun! Grateful to be included! My slice today (the 31st) is a poem from my slice titles, inspired by you! Thank you!
What a gift to all of us slicers! Thank you so much!
WOW! You never cease to amaze me! What a fun read!
🙂 I just saw I missed the “Teach” in your blog name… just edited it into the poem. It was fun to write… I laughed a lot on some of it cause it was such nonsense.
Haha! Thanks for the shout out. I was wondering if someone had a similar blog name! But it was me!
Wow, this is incredible! I’m amazed at how cleverly you put things together. It was so fun to see many of the blog names that have become so familiar to me during this month. (And thanks for mentioning mine too) So fun! 🙂 ~JudyK
OMG – I love this Alice! You worked hard on this, and as always, created perfect pairings to tell a story. I’m honored to be included.
It is just amazing what you did here, Alice. It just blew me away. How creative.
Wow! Wow! Wow! This is absolutely, creatively, brilliantly written! I am in awe. Thank you for including me in your masterpiece.
I am in awe, Alice. This is marvelous and creative and simply lots of fun. Thank you for taking the time to create a story from the names. I’ve lifted lines to write a poem, but never thought of this. Thanks for including me, too, but it was such a treat to recognize so many. Every March, I get a little sad because I just can’t comment everywhere, and I know I’m missing some terrific posts. Thank you!
I’ve been enjoying the different book spine poems that I’ve seen lately, and this is a bit of a new twist. Thank you so much for the effort you put into this piece! “Though this be madness, yet there is method in’t”
Wow! This is incredible! I had to read it twice!
Well that was incredible!
This is amazing!
🙂 Thanks, Madalyn.
This is so great!! I love how creative you are!! 😉
Ah… thanks. It was fun to do. I used “grammar” with imagination to put it together. If I have time, I’m going to write about that today.
wow. that was awesome!! such a creative read 🙂 I don’t think I could come up with some intricate out of blog names? It flowed amazingly!! I am just in shock. and awe. Thank you for sharing that! And the mention of my blog! (
Your blog name was so perfect for the snip that it is in… I laughed as I wrote it.
Wow. Wow. And then some more wow. I am impressed with how you created this masterpiece.
Thank you for explaining the process. I love learning what other writers needed to do to arrive at their end product.
Thanks, Heidi. I had fun putting it together. Since I’ve been reading and commenting on many of those blogs all month, I felt like I knew the person behind each title just a wee bit.
This. Is. Brilliant. Seriously, this made me laugh out loud as I recognized many names of blogs I’ve read and bloggers I now follow! Thank you so much for sharing this slice!
Thank you, Lisa! I laughed as the poem took form… and I’m still laughing out loud when I read parts of it. Like you said we feel as if we’ve become friends with some of these bloggers through all our slicing this month. I hope in all the laughing they know this is a tribute to their blogging friendship.