Tuesday Slice of Life : February 21, 2017.
My morning began with thoughts that turned into a poem.
When from slumber
I awaken,
I will embrace
the newness
of this day.
I will ponder
issues of life
before a fog of routines
blurs my thinking.
I will listen
to my heart
before the noise of
living fills my ears.
In the quiet clarity
of these moments,
as darkness gives
way to light,
I know my purpose.
I read a portion of the Psalms; the words became my morning prayer.
Show me Your ways, O Lord;
Teach me Your paths.
Lead me in Your truth and teach me,
For You are the God of my salvation;
On You I wait all the day. -Psalm 25
I finally completed a professional development bid, and after lunch, I pressed the submit button to send it off — 23 hours ahead of the deadline. What a satisfying feeling!
After supper, I pulled out one of my journals for a bit of reading. I came across a short entry that made me grin. Here are those lines–
Jan. 19, 2010
I’ve just had a phone conversation with TM [5-year-old grandson]. After telling me everything he has been doing today, he ended abruptly with “I think I’m just all done talking to you now, Grandma.” Oh for the candidness of a child.
And now, I’m going to take TM’s lead and call it a day, ’cause “I think I’m just all done talking.”
Thank you,
Two Writing Teachers,
for hosting Slice of Life!
Join in and share a slice of your life.
My favorite lines-
I awaken,
I will embrace
the newness
of this day.
I will ponder
issues of life
before a fog of routines
blurs my thinking.
I am afraid I often let the fog roll in before I am ready.
Thanks, Deb! That fog line was inspired when on a crisp clear early morning, just before the sun rose, I watched a fog rise from the land.
Love this peaceful slice and the way your borrowed your grandson’s words.
Thanks, Ramona. Kids say it best sometimes.
Your poem and the inspiration for your poem is just beautiful. I could feel a sense of serenity as I read through it. And the recollection of your grandson, well, that is too cute. ~Amy
Thanks for coming by, Amy. So glad you felt the serenity; so needed in our lives–at least in mine. 🙂
My favorite lines…”as darkness gives
way to light,
I know my purpose.
What a great way to start each and every day.
As Art Linkletter said, “Kids say the darndest things.”
Thank you for telling me. Art Linkletter is right. And I love it when out of their open simplicity, profound truth emerges.
Love these lines:
I will listen
to my heart
before the noise of
living fills my ears.
🙂 Thanks for saying, Tara.
Lots of “nice” here in this slice, Alice. Love that grandson’s words!
Thanks, Linda. The unfiltered words of kids hold such gems.
LOL sounds like my daughter talking to my mom !
🙂 I bet your mom loves it, too!