Tuesday Slice of Life : February 21, 2017.

My morning began with thoughts that turned into a poem.

When from slumber
I awaken,
I will embrace
the newness
of this day.
I will ponder
issues of life
before a fog of routines
blurs my thinking.
I will listen
to my heart
before the noise of
living fills my ears.
In the quiet clarity
of these moments,
as darkness gives
way to light,
I know my purpose.

I read a portion of the Psalms; the words became my morning prayer.

Show me Your ways, O Lord;
Teach me Your paths.
Lead me in Your truth and teach me,
For You are the God of my salvation;
On You I wait all the day.   -Psalm 25

I finally completed a professional development bid, and after lunch, I pressed the submit button to send it off — 23 hours ahead of the deadline. What a satisfying feeling!

After supper, I pulled out one of my journals for a bit of reading. I came across a short entry that made me grin. Here are those lines–

Jan. 19, 2010
I’ve just had a phone conversation with TM [5-year-old grandson]. After telling me everything he has been doing today, he ended abruptly with “I think I’m just all done talking to you now, Grandma.”  Oh for the candidness of a child.

And now, I’m going to take TM’s lead and call it a day, ’cause “I think I’m just all done talking.”

Thank you,
Two Writing Teachers,

for hosting Slice of Life!
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