Country Spring, 1913
March Slice of Life No. 10. Evening came and I had not written a slice. I wondered, what should I write? Blank. I only knew that it would be short. I thought about today being the 9th day of March and my name being Nine. That idea lasted about nine seconds. Then I...
In the Sycamore’s Shadow
March Slice of Life No. 9 * Poetry Friday. During the month of February I participated in Laura Shovan's 6th Annual February Poetry Project. On Day 11, Linda Baie provided a pencil drawing as our prompt. Linda received the pencil drawing, "Monday" by L. D. Wight,...
My Daddy’s Golden Shovel
March Slice of Life No. 8. What's a golden shovel? It's a poem. Last month during Laura Shovan's poetry challenge, I read a number of shovel poems. I did some searching and learned that the "Golden Shovel" is actually a poem written by Terrance Hayes and that...
March Slice of Life No. 7. Tonight we had beer-ox! Some people call them bierocks, pronounced /brocks/. Some people call them piroshki. My grandkids call them meat pockets. I have a favorite memory. Really it is an accumulative memory of balmy afternoons that included...
March Slice of Life No. 6. I learned a new word. The text A limerick by Diane Mayr There once was a 'gator named Nathan who eschewed the state of brumation. He skied and he skated-- and was truly elated-- to became an Olympic sensation. The word burmation. Chunked it...
Epitaph for the Snows
March Slice of Life No. 5. This will be my final post about snow for Winter 2017-18. The life and times of the Snows begin on February 19th and end on 28th. MONDAY Our world awakes to a thin white blanket. 9:30 AM. My grandkids build a "partially brown snowman" in...
Song of Joy
March Slice of Life No. 4. In February, I joined Laura Shovan's poetry challenge. Each day we were presented visual art as a prompt to draft an ekphrastic poem. On Day 17, Tricia Stohr-Hunt shared "The Tall White Sun" (1917), a painting by Charles E. Burchfield....
Cornbread Saturday
March Slice of Life No.3 * Celebrate This Week. I'm sharing a slice and celebrating comfort on this Saturday morning with a cup of coffee and a wedge of cornbread drizzled with warm cream and maple syrup. There are some days that are comfort days, like Saturdays....
No Snow for Me
Poetry Friday * March Slice of Life No. 2. "Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you." Dr. Suess, Happy Birthday to You During February, I wrote poetry with a wonderful community of poets. On Day 21, Rebecca...
Launching SOLSC18
March Slice of Life No. 1. It's already March 1 in EST zone. And since I live in the northwest, three hours behind EST, I take advantage of this to be an "early slicer." Tonight I'm sitting in an easy chair, drafting this slice on my laptop. Earlier we had sandwiches...
A Month of Writing
Slice of Life. I. Wednesday will be the last day in Laura Shovan's February Annual Poetry Writing Project. February has been a great month of sustained poetry writing, spontaneously responding daily to a random visual art prompt. Every day for 26 days (soon to be...
Girlhood Memories
Poetry Friday * Celebrate this Week * Spiritual Journey. A poem became a song and is sung around the world. I have a girlhood memory, or perhaps I should say a repeated memory, or maybe it's really a string of memories that telescope into one, of my...
Partially Brown
Slice of Life. It snowed. On Sunday, in the stillness of a windless afternoon, under heavy grey skies, gigantic wet flakes like confetti fell straight to the ground. Whenever it snows, I like to look at the trees and rooftops from our second story hallway dormer...
You Are Beloved
Celebrate This Week This week I've been celebrating love. On Saturday, I found a skinny poem in the words of 1 Corinthians 13. Love Greatest of all is love kindly patiently enduring. Love hopes believes forgives. Love is greatest of all. (Back story is below in...
Night at Noonday
Poetry Friday. This week Holly Thompson shared "Eclipse," a corrugated artwork by Colleen Sakurai, for Day 15 of Lauren Shovan's 6th Annual February Poetry Project. Having experienced a total solar eclipse in Oregon on August 21, 2017, I immediately decided I must...
Tell Your Heart To Beat Again
Slice of Life This is February. The month that belongs to Valentine's Day. The month of roses, chocolate, and love songs. The month of candied hearts and silly school rhymes. The month that I initial papers with red hearts that smile. And so with hearts on my mind, I...
Poetry Challenge – Week 1
Poetry Friday * Celebrate This Week I am celebrating a week of writing. A poem. Every day. I've committed to composing a poem each day in response to a work of art. I wrote about it last week and shared my first two poems. This week, I've played around with...
Staying on Task
Slice of Life. Our temps reached 57 today before the sun began to sink. I've noticed evening light is lingering longer and the sun isn't tracking so low in our southern sky. Dare I believe that winter is behind us? With the warmer weather and sunny hours, I've...
Ekphrastic Poetry
Poetry Friday. It is February! And the 6th Annual February Daily Poem Project has begun. About the middle of February last year, I joined this community of poetry writers. I wrote a few poems and I read a lot more. And most of all, I fell in love with the support they...
2018 Is Yours
I saw this graphic and thought, What a compelling question on so many levels. Answer carefully, for your answer --a working thesis for your 2018 life essay-- will help you keep your focus. And don't wait too long to give your answer. I'd love to read your answer; just...
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