by Alice Nine | A9 Journal, Indexed |
Celebrate this Week In the morning. I am enjoying a brilliantly sunny, blue-sky, green-trees, summerishly warm morning. Who knew it would jump from highs in the mid-50s to the highs in the 80s in less than 24 hours? We slept with the windows open and a fan running...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
Poetry Friday. On this Friday, to salute chatter that I love and silence that I crave, in memory of my childhood, in memory of my brothers, I share “Little Charlie Chipmunk”– the lines of which I can still recite. Little Charlie Chipmunk Little...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal, In My Classroom, Literacy |
Slice of Life. Using giant binder clips, I draped a pocket chart from a low easel at the carpet area. At the bottom of it, I fastened a chart of coordinating conjunctions showing the age-old acronym FANBOYS. I was ready when second graders tumbled into the classroom,...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal, In My Classroom, Indexed, Literacy |
I flew six thousand miles from Pacific to Atlantic to Pacific to spend three wonderful days teaching in kindergarten through third grade classrooms in two Brooklyn schools. Travel … Here are a couple views from my window in the sky: NYC skyline as we approach...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
Poetry Friday. In February, I joined a Facebook poetry-writing group created by Laura Shovan. The group writes poems to ten found words from news articles. On February 16, Ruth Lehrer culled words for #10FoundWords from “The Compost King of New York.” Here...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
Slice of Life: Greenwood I dedicate this post to my dear sister-teacher, Sharon Williams. Her roots grow deep in Greenwood. It is a hot August evening. We drive slowly along the back roads of Wise County, and although the scorching high for the day was 107 degrees, we...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal, Indexed |
Five Minute Friday and Celebrate this Week. I’m linking up with Kate Motaung for Five Minute Friday where bloggers post their 5 minute free writing inspired by a one word prompt. And I’m linking up with Ruth Ayres where bloggers celebrate each week....
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal, In My Classroom |
Poetry Friday. April showers bring May flowers. RAIN Rain Fell on the roof Dripped steadily from eaves Ran in crooked courses Splattered against windows Came gushing out downspouts Upset plans –found in Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White © 2015 Alice Nine...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
Celebrate this Week — Easter Sunday. I am celebrating Easter this week. I took a poem I wrote last year and revised it and gave it a title, “This I Believe,” This I Believe Jesus said, “I am he who lives, And was dead, and Behold, I am alive...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
00:00:00 (five minutes to write) GO Empty. So often empty precedes want, need, heartache, sorrow, barrenness, vacant, futility. A hungry child holds an empty plate. The milk jug is empty. The flour canister is empty. The cupboards are empty, bare. The gas tank is...
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