The More I Seek You

The More I Seek You

On the night of His betrayal, “When Jesus had spoken…, He went out with His disciples … there was a garden, which He and His disciples entered. … Then Judas, having received a detachment of troops, and officers from the chief priests and Pharisees, came there...
Strangest Story

Strangest Story

Poetry Friday I am celebrating #PoetryFriday Easter Weekend and winning a book giveaway … Whoohoo! A BIG thank you to Amy for her POEMS ARE TEACHERS and to Heinemann.   I share again a found poem I wrote last year, words and phrases that I found in...
I Was a Child

I Was a Child

Originally posted for Poetry Friday. This Sunday, exactly one week before Easter, is Palm Sunday–the first day of Holy Week, perhaps the most celebrated week in Christianity. It begins with Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, recorded in all four...


March Slice of Life No. 31  *  Celebrate This Week   I have two celebrations today. Celebration I: #SOL March 2018 With a 34-word story, I am celebrating writing. I have written every day for thirty-one days — my daily slice and daily comments on other...
Strangest Story

The Resurrection

March Slice of Life No. 30.   *   Poetry Friday     This week as I read  “What Are We to Make of Jesus Christ?” — an essay from God in the Dock by C.S. Lewis, words and phrases expressing uniquely Lewis’s thoughts about Jesus’...

Triumphal Entry

March Slice of Life No. 25. On Friday, I shared “Palm Sunday” by Marie J. Post. Today, in the comments, Kay McGriff shared a link to Malcom Guite’s, book of sonnets, Sounding the Seasons (2012). I was not familiar with the man or his writings....