Antithesis of Holy Week

Antithesis of Holy Week

March Slice of Life No 23.   *   Poetry Friday With a haunting beauty, Marie Post captures the antithesis between Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and his arrest, trial, and crucifixion later in the week. Palm Sunday Astride the colt and...
This I Believe

This I Believe

Celebrate this Week — Easter Sunday. I am celebrating Easter this week. I took a poem I wrote last year and revised it and gave it a title, “This I Believe,” This I Believe Jesus said, “I am he who lives, And was dead, and Behold, I am alive...


00:00:00 (five minutes to write) GO Empty. So often empty precedes want, need, heartache, sorrow, barrenness, vacant, futility. A hungry child holds an empty plate. The milk jug is empty. The flour canister is empty. The cupboards are empty, bare. The gas tank is...
Celebrating Week #14

Celebrating Week #14

Celebrate this Week —  Palm Sunday. This week I celebrate with rejoicing as I remember the Triumphal Entry of Jesus in a story-telling moment, in a music moment, and in a reflective moment. Small moments that are part of my life of faith. A story-telling moment:...

Whom are you seeking?

As Easter draws near, I am pondering Jesus’ question, “Whom are you seeking?” Have you ever experienced a time when your mind seems to open and in a fleeting moment, you clearly understand something in a deeper dimension?  I had such an experience during a...
Alive Forevermore

Alive Forevermore

#SOL16, No. 27. Easter Sunday 2016 I am he who lives, and was dead, and Behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. Revelation 1:18 This I believe. A foreboding darkness Covers the land Jesus hangs On a cross As life ebbs He cries It is finished Bowing His head He dies The...