by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
March Slice of Life No. 28. This morning, I was searching my PD journals for… Hmmm? What was I searching for? At this very moment, I don’t recall what I was searching for, and since it isn’t pertinent to what I am now thinking about, I won’t...
by Alice Nine | Literacy |
Growing Strong Writers is a series of professional development workshops. In these workshops, I am attentive to the importance of daily writing practice, the complex demands of learning English, and a desire to cultivate a love for writing. These workshops offer...
by Alice Nine | In My Classroom, Literacy |
Poetry Friday. An Interactive Poetry Notebook. Last year, I shared a post about my interactive poetry notebook: Poetry Notebook: Day One. In this post, I’ll share pointers for Day Two. Whereas Day One is about listening–letting the poem flow over...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal, In My Classroom |
Poetry Friday : August 12, 2016. I really like interactive notebooks. Many teachers I know really like interactive notebooks. I’ve used them for years in one form or another — binders, handmade notebooks, or composition notebooks. Today is Poetry Friday....
by Alice Nine | In My Classroom, Literacy |
Stand up. Hands up. Pair up with phonograms. Here’s how we do it. Each student is given a mini-phonogram card. Students stand up, put a hand up, and pair up (Kagan) with another student by putting their hands together. The paired students share with each other...
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