High-Sailing Hawks

High-Sailing Hawks

Journal Entry. August 1. Yesterday–that would be the last day of July–my fourteen-year-old, over-six-foot-tall grandson and I were deadheading my very tall rose bush—a bush that grows higher than the eaves of our garage. Stretching out his long arms...

I Won a Book!

Slice of Life Who doesn’t like receiving a box in the snail mail? Two weeks ago I was so excited to received the following Twitter message!   You see, earlier in the month, while following IT’S ALL ABOUT THE BOOKS Blog Tour, I’d commented and...
Mike Nine Field

Mike Nine Field

Slice of Life. Sun and clouds have battled all day, but as evening approaches, the sun has won. There is no rain. This is significant on a May evening in Portland. We gather early at Harrison Park, finding our places on the familiar bleachers. Dark clouds are blowing...
Scent of Salmon

Scent of Salmon

Poetry Friday. Chinook The scent of salmon lingers. Creek waters ripple over smooth stones. Cedar and moss fill the air. At dusk, near water’s edge, bears feast. While snow covers the ground, eggs wait in nesting pockets. Winter turns to spring and in gravelly...


Slice of Life. I couldn’t resist. No matter how much I had on my desk, I just couldn’t resist. The morning was so beautiful, I had to go outside. So I took a noticing walk around my back yard. Hushed beauty under the warmth of filtered sunlight. The light...


Poetry Friday : Mom Happy Mother’s Day! Last year for Mother’s Day, I wrote of my mother — a five-minute stream-of-consciousness piece that became the draft of a poem. This week, I revised those lines, and with them I honor the memory of my mother,...