by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
March Slice of Life No. 19 EN leans in toward me, swinging his leg off the edge of a grown-up chair. His eyes are laughing as he puts his hand up near his mouth like he is about to tell an important secret. “Gramma.” I motion a quiet sign to remind him to...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
March Slice of Life No. 18. So the evening and the morning were . . . And God saw that it was good. –Gen. 1 twilight diffused-light candle between sun and moon and sun daybreak to sunrise, sunset to nightfall stars hide and return, sun rises and sets slowly...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
March Slice of Life No. 17 * Celebrate This Week. I found my slice on a book cover. I was sorting through a dozen randomly organized books. [Isn’t that an oxymoron?] These books are on a the shelf next to the place where my carry-on bag waits in my office for...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
March Slice of Life No. 16 * Poetry Friday. I. Slicing with green– I have already selected something green to wear on Saturday, lest I forget and one of my kids or grandkids come by. I know they won’t forget. And since Saturday is St. Patrick’s...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
March Slice of Life No. 15. We arrived late afternoon for our annual end-of-summer beach week. We unpacked. [Funny how two words represent over an hour’s worth of work.] Then we eagerly headed to the path that would take us through waving sea grasses, over a...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal, Literacy |
March Slice of Life No. 14. Thinking about writing, I open Country Life in American (1913) to the last article I had been reading. I turn a few digital pages to “Inside the House that Jack Built.” “Chapter IV. The Owner’s Bedroom,” part...
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