by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
Celebrate This Week : January 14, 2017. This week I celebrate the past and the present in my “professional development life” Backstory. For more than twenty years, I have provided professional development to schools across the country. The bulk of this PD...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal, Literacy |
Poetry Friday : January 13, 2017. . When I thumb the pages of my journals and look through my photos, I find an interesting thread — sunsets and sunrises. And in addition to writing about sunrises and sunsets and taking photos of them, I find myself recording...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
Three Things Thursday : January 12, 2017. One: I am grateful for opportunities to plant seeds in the lives of others and to watch them bloom! Two: I am thankful for the smiles of strangers that have lifted my spirits on my travels this week. Three: I celebrated my...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
Tuesday Slice of Life : January 10, 2017 A game of hangman using the Bible story words is a favorite of the kids in my Sunday school class. If you’ve ever played hangman, you know that all the letters guessed are recorded — those that are in the word or...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
Celebrate This Week : January 6, 2017. Mick, my little brother, has been in my heart much this week. Just five years ago, on January 4, 2012, after a very long battle with Parkinson’s Disease, Mick said goodby to me. The next day, I posted Mick’s high...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
Poetry Friday : January 6, 2017 Grandkids are praying for snow. Weather forecasters are predicting snow. January is the month for snow. And I’m writing about snow. Here’s my haiku for snow. snowflakes softly drifting down one by one by one grandkids...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
Three Things Thursday : January 5, 2017. On this Thursday in the first week of the first month of a new year I REJOICE in the satisfaction of endings closure conclusions and grand finales I REJOICE in the opportunities for continuation something that starts where...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
Tuesday Slice of Life : January 3, 2017. How did December slip by so fast? Seems only a couple days ago my daughter and I were unpacking boxes of Christmas decorations. It’s one of our traditions: together we remember Christmases past as we decorate my tree,...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
Celebrate This Week : December 30, 2016. For days I’ve been pondering words — nouns, verbs, adjectives, and even adverbs, searching to know the one little word I should choose for 2017. The word rejoice came to mind, but I pushed it aside and thought of...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
Poetry Friday : December 23, 2016 The land tilts away. Sun skims the horizon For a quarter day, shortest day Vanishing into the earliest sunset. Plunged into darkness– No sunrise, no sunset– North Pole is beyond Sun’s reach. At its lowest point, Sun stands...
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