Digital PD: Writing for STAAR

Digital PD: Writing for STAAR

“Response writing starts with the answer from reading.” DATES: Any. Fit your schedule. Registration is always OPEN . Although begin/end dates are listed on our calendar, the course will actually begin for you on the day you complete registration, and your...
Snippety Grammar 4 Editing STAARs

Snippety Grammar 4 Editing STAARs

Grammar PD with an eye on STAAR™. Did you know?  50% of the 4th grade STAAR Writing score is based on editing. Registration OPEN El Paso, Texas Workshop Summary A one-day workshop day applying grammar knowledge and practicing editing skills with an eye on...
Snippety Grammar 4 Editing STAARs

Writing STAAR™ Essays

With an eye on STAAR™ — writing mentor essays and developing teaching points with Alice Nine. Registration is OPEN El Paso, TX. Workshop Summary A one-day workshop Learn how to show your students to — * Write a clear central idea statement using the...
Writing STAAR Essays

Writing STAAR Essays

With an eye on STAAR™ — writing mentor essays and developing teaching points with Alice Nine. Registration is OPEN El Paso, TX. Workshop Summary A one-day workshop day Learn how to show your students to — *Use the prompt to write a clear central...
Writing STAAR Essays

Writing STAAR™ Essays

With an eye on STAAR™ — writing mentor essays and developing teaching points with Alice Nine. Registration for OCT 17 is CLOSED We have scheduled another session for OCT 15. El Paso, TX. Workshop Summary A one-day workshop day Learn how to show your...
Digital PD: Writing STAAR™ Essays – Gr.4

Digital PD: Writing STAAR™ Essays – Gr.4

Registration is OPEN Begin at your convenience. DIGITAL (online) PD. Course is available to fit your schedule. Access 24/7 at Alice Nine Professional Development Center. View / print: Brochure / Registration Form Purchase: Alice Nine Online Store Course Outline Module...