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Greenwood, Texas

Greenwood, Texas

Slice of Life: Greenwood I dedicate this post to my dear sister-teacher, Sharon Williams. Her roots grow deep in Greenwood. It is a hot August evening. We drive slowly along the back roads of Wise County, and although the scorching high for the day was 107 degrees, we...


Five Minute Friday and Celebrate this Week. I’m linking up with Kate Motaung for Five Minute Friday where bloggers post their 5 minute free writing inspired by a one word prompt.  And I’m linking up with Ruth Ayres where bloggers celebrate each week....


Poetry Friday. April showers bring May flowers. RAIN Rain Fell on the roof Dripped steadily from eaves Ran in crooked courses Splattered against windows Came gushing out downspouts Upset plans –found in Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White © 2015 Alice Nine...
This I Believe

This I Believe

Celebrate this Week — Easter Sunday. I am celebrating Easter this week. I took a poem I wrote last year and revised it and gave it a title, “This I Believe,” This I Believe Jesus said, “I am he who lives, And was dead, and Behold, I am alive...


00:00:00 (five minutes to write) GO Empty. So often empty precedes want, need, heartache, sorrow, barrenness, vacant, futility. A hungry child holds an empty plate. The milk jug is empty. The flour canister is empty. The cupboards are empty, bare. The gas tank is...
Lessons with EM

Lessons with EM

Slice of Life. Solving Problems Too often we give our children answers to remember rather than problems to solve.  –Roger Lewin Big brother TM has been working on his math lesson at the table, and now Mom’s checking his work with him. EM, the...
Celebrating Week #14

Celebrating Week #14

Celebrate this Week —  Palm Sunday. This week I celebrate with rejoicing as I remember the Triumphal Entry of Jesus in a story-telling moment, in a music moment, and in a reflective moment. Small moments that are part of my life of faith. A story-telling moment:...

Whom are you seeking?

As Easter draws near, I am pondering Jesus’ question, “Whom are you seeking?” Have you ever experienced a time when your mind seems to open and in a fleeting moment, you clearly understand something in a deeper dimension?  I had such an experience during a...

It’s My Name

Slice of Life. Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language. — Dale Carnegie I was very young when I learned that my last name was too hard. Before I entered first grade, my mama had taught me how to spell it,...

Celebrating Week #13

Celebrate this Week . Celebrating Completion of a Challenge This week, the 10th Slice of Life Story Challenge over at Two Writing Teachers wrapped up. For one incredible month, I blogged day after day with several hundred other writers. On Friday, over 100 of us...

Stop Making Sense!

Poetry Friday. Slice of Life March Challenge. No.31. During the March 2017 Slice of Life Challenge I have written nonsense verse on a couple occasions. I didn’t set out to write nonsense verse any one of the times. Perhaps if I had done so intentionally, I would have...
The Gossip of SOL17

The Gossip of SOL17

Slice of Life March Challenge. No. 30. On my post yesterday Kevin (aka dogtrax) threw out a challenge in the his comment, and I took him up on it . . . in a way.  This morning I gathered 112 blog names from Slicers who had posted for the 29th day on Two Writing...
Slicing Titles Make a Poem

Slicing Titles Make a Poem

Slice of Life March Challenge. No. 29. I stopped by Kim K’s Blog post  today and enjoyed her poem created from the titles of her March slices. Why not? I thought. And so, I crafted the titles of 28 slices into a poem. It was fun, and I  must say I was doubtful...

Crafting “Without Words”

Slice of Life March Challenge. No. 28. Backstory of yesterday and today’s posts. Last year, during #SOL16, I revised a draft about a childhood memory, a first grade memory, “The Day My Teacher Died.” The next day I wrote about how I revised that...
Without Words

Without Words

Slice of Life March Challenge. No. 27.  x This is my mother-in-law’s story. Prologue. Over the course of several years, she suffered a series of strokes and finally one left her without the power of speech. While we were home for a visit, Carl and I took her for...
Great Love

Great Love

Slice of Life March Challenge. No. 26. Sunday. I saw a quote somewhere and it made me stop and think: Life in abundance comes through great love. Great love. Is love great because of size? Or because of its significance? Is it great because of its object? I think that...

Celebrating Week #12

Celebrate this Week : March 25, 2017. Slice of Life March Challenge. No. 25. Today, I celebrate technology in communications that Spans miles, putting two people who are in two different places into the same space Blends time zones, making now the time, anytime for...


Slice of Life March Challenge. No. 24. Poetry Friday : March 24, 2017. Five Minute Friday : March 24, 2017. I read Lynne’s Song of Sunshine inspired by Langston Hughes’ April Rain Song, and I was inspired to try to follow the model to write a poem...
Blueberry Pie

Blueberry Pie

Slice of Life March Challenge. No.23 This morning, I thumbed through some posts I wrote last year. One in particular caught my attention, one I wrote last July, a post about picking blueberries. I could feel a poem floating beneath the surface of the prose. So, I...
Recipes from 19th Century

Recipes from 19th Century

Slice of Life March Challenge. No. 22. Things Mother Used To Make I enjoy reading the recipes and helps in this book, published in 1913. I must confess that I read cookbooks for pleasure, much like some people read poetry. The measurements terms are very interesting:...
Writing through the Block

Writing through the Block

Slice of Life March Challenge. No. 21. I’m searching for something to write, but it eludes me. So, here I am, penning a steam of consciousness, writing through the block. Finally it’s spring. I’m glad that winter is over. I’m glad that the sun is tracking...
A Party!

A Party!

Slice of Life March Challenge. No. 20. A party! Who doesn’t love a party? I am accepting  Leigh Anne Eck’s invitation to a Slicer Party. I hope I see you there, too, before the month of March is over. Leigh Anne asked each of us to bring five of our...


Slice of Life March Challenge. No. 19. To err is human; to forgive, divine. -Alexander Pope This is not a story not a poem not an essay not a lesson nor a lecture. This is a trail of thoughts from my heart about forgiveness. Usually when I ponder a word, I open a...