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Evidence on the Box

Evidence on the Box

Slice of Life. I.I placed a plate of thin apple slices and salty tortilla chips on the table and sat down across from him. Sliding to the edge of his seat he stretched his legs downward until his feet touch the floor. Perched with just the right balance so the chair...


I Corinthians 13 Happy Valentine’s Day! Today is a day to celebrate love. A day to speak of our love. A day to share tokens of our love. So, what exactly is love? Is there a universal definition? One that fits all our varied relationships? What words can...


Slice of Life. an untrellised cucumber Isn’t it amazing how being a teacher permeates everything we do and think? At least it does for me. Who but a teacher would think of the classroom when looking at a gardening post? And I’m not talking about a science...


Poetry Friday. Today is National Kite-Flying Day. That’s what I just read. Hmmm… I’ve always associated kites with March winds. I wonder? And… last night I watched “Kite Runner.” I wonder now, was it scheduled to coincide with this...
Crafting a Sentence

Crafting a Sentence

Slice of Life. I was just finishing lunch when a message from a fourth grade class via their teacher lit up the screen on my phone. Figure 1 Anyone who knows me, knows what I immediately did. Here is the snapshot of my notes that I texted back. Figure 2 In my opinion,...
High-Sailing Hawks

High-Sailing Hawks

Journal Entry. August 1. Yesterday–that would be the last day of July–my fourteen-year-old, over-six-foot-tall grandson and I were deadheading my very tall rose bush—a bush that grows higher than the eaves of our garage. Stretching out his long arms...

I Won a Book!

Slice of Life Who doesn’t like receiving a box in the snail mail? Two weeks ago I was so excited to received the following Twitter message!   You see, earlier in the month, while following IT’S ALL ABOUT THE BOOKS Blog Tour, I’d commented and...
Harbor Seals

Harbor Seals

A Photo Exchange:  More than Meets the Eye A Guest Post by Cathy Miller Last month Margaret at Reflections on the Teche invited her readers to participate in “More than Meets the Eye” photo exchange. I eagerly joined in, but somehow I missed that I needed a blog to...