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Five Significant Happenings

Celebrate this Week : February 11, 2017. What does it mean to celebrate? Webster writes, celebrate  |ˈseləˌbrāt|  verb [ with obj. ] 1 publicly acknowledge (a significant or happy day or event) with a social gathering or enjoyable activity I am hereby publicly...
Color with Me

Color with Me

Poetry Friday : February 10, 2017. The other day, my four-year-old granddaughter gave me an invitation: “Color with me, Gramma.” Her sweet invitation, her enjoyment of the art of coloring, her love for new crayon boxes with no less than 24 colors —...

Words with -mb

Phonics : Question No 170207. “Could you explain the mb at the end of lamb?” -mb (as in lamb) is a consonant team for the sound /m/. I suppose we could teach it as a phonogram, much like we teach the phonogram gn (as in sign). However, unlike gn which...


Tuesday Slice of Life : February 7, 2017. This week I saw something I have never seen before. Not on a spring day. Not on a summer day. Not on a day when the leaves turn red. But on a wintry day this week, I saw it, this something that I’ve never seen before. We...


Spiritual Journey : First Thursday of February 2017. I join fellow bloggers in posting this month at Turn where Leigh Anne is hosting the February round-up for Spiritual Journey. * * * * * * Off and on during the four-hour flight between DFW and PDX on Friday, I...

It’s a Race

Celebrate this Week : February 4, 2017. This week I’m celebrating my littlest granddaughter and the race of life. EM, youngest of my daughter’s children, spreads much delight in our family– Her ready smile Some silly laughter Eyes that sparkle...
Burdensome Labor

Burdensome Labor

Poetry Friday : February 3, 2017. But the Egyptians mistreated and oppressed us, assigning us a burdensome labor. –Deuteronomy 26:6 There was a magic number– Seventy bolls make a pound, Seven thousand make a hundred. A hundred pounds of feathers, A hundred...
Indexed : Sentences

Indexed : Sentences

Tuesday Slice of Life : January 31, 2017. It’s the end of January! I always approach the end of January with a bit of reluctance. Really with a whole lot of reluctance. It means 4th quarter reports and end of the year reports. It means setting up my business...

Vertigo in Time

Celebrate this Week : January 28, 2017 This week I celebrate 24 hours in each day, 7 days in each week, 4 plus weeks in each month, 12 months in each year . . . the rising and setting of the sun, the lengthening and shortening of shadows, the changing of seasons. It...
It Snowed

It Snowed

Last night it snowed. A hushed white, a soft, muffling blanket tucked me in. Nothing to do, and so I did nothing. © Alice Nine Carol at Beyond Literacy Link is hosting #PoetryFriday this week. Come by and join in! And thank you...
Noah’s Ark

Noah’s Ark

Tuesday Slice of Life : January 24, 2017. The biblical story of Noah’s ark is an all time preschool favorite. Kids like the animals. They like the big boat. And they really like the rainbow. It is also a favorite of mine because it is the story of a just man of...
Boots and Shoes

Boots and Shoes

Celebrate this Week : January 21, 2017 This week I am celebrating boots and shoes! I found comfort! I found style! And they fit! I found them in the airport of all places. Yep!  At ccMcKenzie Shoes and Apparel in Concourse C at the Portland International Airport. I...

On the Other Side of TSA

Tuesday Slice of Life : January 17, 2017. My first stop. Her laugh had bubbles in it. Our paths intersected as I walked down Concourse C. In other words, we bumped into each other. I was looking to my left; I guess she was looking the other way. As we bumped, offered...

Celebrating Full Circle

Celebrate This Week : January 14, 2017. This week I celebrate the past and the present in my “professional development life” Backstory. For more than twenty years, I have provided professional development to schools across the country. The bulk of this PD...
Day’s End

Day’s End

Poetry Friday : January 13, 2017. . When I thumb the pages of my journals and look through my photos, I find an interesting thread — sunsets and sunrises. And in addition to writing about sunrises and sunsets and taking photos of them, I find myself recording...
Just one . . .

Just one . . .

Three Things Thursday : January 12, 2017. One:  I am grateful for opportunities to plant seeds in the lives of others and to watch them bloom! Two:  I am thankful for the smiles of strangers that have lifted my spirits on my travels this week. Three:  I celebrated my...
“Pig flu . . .”

“Pig flu . . .”

Tuesday Slice of Life : January 10, 2017 A game of hangman using the Bible story words is a favorite of the kids in my Sunday school class. If you’ve ever played hangman, you know that all the letters guessed are recorded — those that are in the word or...


Celebrate This Week : January 6, 2017. Mick, my little brother, has been in my heart much this week. Just five years ago, on January 4, 2012, after a very long battle with Parkinson’s Disease, Mick said goodby to me. The next day, I posted Mick’s high...


Poetry Friday : January 6, 2017 Grandkids are praying for snow. Weather forecasters are predicting snow. January is the month for snow. And I’m writing about snow. Here’s my haiku for snow. snowflakes softly drifting down one by one by one grandkids...
Just one . . .

Endings to Beginnings

Three Things Thursday : January 5, 2017. On this Thursday in the first week of the first month of a new year I REJOICE in the satisfaction of endings closure conclusions and grand finales I REJOICE in the opportunities for continuation something that starts where...
December 2016

December 2016

Tuesday Slice of Life : January 3, 2017. How did December slip by so fast? Seems only a couple days ago my daughter and I were unpacking boxes of Christmas decorations. It’s one of our traditions: together we remember Christmases past as we decorate my tree,...
One Little Word 2017

One Little Word 2017

Celebrate This Week : December 30, 2016. For days I’ve been pondering words — nouns, verbs, adjectives, and even adverbs, searching to know the one little word I should choose for 2017. The word rejoice came to mind, but I pushed it aside and thought of...
Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice

Poetry Friday : December 23, 2016 The land tilts away. Sun skims the horizon For a quarter day, shortest day Vanishing into the earliest sunset. Plunged into darkness– No sunrise, no sunset– North Pole is beyond Sun’s reach. At its lowest point, Sun stands...