by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
#SOL16. No.13. Outside the temperature is 44, but feels more like 37. A cold rain is falling. A trace of someone’s wood fire is filtering through the woodsy, mossy air. Inside my kitchen is toasty, warmed by the aroma of breakfast–coffee, bacon, an omelet,...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal, In My Classroom |
#SOL16. No.12. I The inspiration II The poem Growing together As years slip by, Sharing the earth Our roots entwined. Steadfast we stand Sunshine and rain, Faithful and true My Love and I. Writing about my writing The afternoon is perfect for a garden wedding....
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
#SOL16. No.11. I heard his chirp–a tiny, hopeful chirp. Then I saw him, perched on the railing next to my table. Plain brown, no fancy plumage. He cocked his head, this way and that, stretched out his neck, ruffled his feathers, and chirped again. Brave little...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
#SOL16. No.10. June 2014 Somehow, from somewhere, a notice about an email drawing class came to my attention. I was intrigued by the idea of taking a course via email. And I’ve always wanted to do more sketching, more drawing. I believe drawing goes hand in hand...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal, In My Classroom |
#SOL16. No.9. Having fun with a Bed-to-Bed Free Verse Poem* It’s Tuesday Sunrise and coffee with my man –Treasure these moments when I am home Reading and answering emails Keeping phone appointments –One lasted 1.5 hours, we should have Skyped...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
#SOL16. No.5. In the Appendix of Things My Mother Used to Make (1912), there is an article titled “The Proper Way to Sweep a Room.” Since it is March and spring cleaning is on my mind — notice I did not say on my calendar — I decided to read...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
#SOL16. No.4. I shared a great laugh with my daughter today. For you to fully enjoy the humor, you must know that her brother-in-law’s name is Will. Her boys are free writing daily in their journals –they are loving it because free writing is rough, rough...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
#SOL16. No.2. Some of you know me well enough to know that I love old books. I mean really old books, like over 100 years old. I like to visit the online library Forgotten Books, and browse the books I find there– mostly educational books but occasionally old...
by Alice Nine | Featured |
It was between winter and spring. Day had ended. The evening was becoming night when I heard the telltale chirp. My daughter and I began to text. We can talk, either by phone or in person since she lives next door. But we often choose to text. When texting, it...
by Alice Nine | A9 Journal |
A child was reading In second grade hall I leaned in She continued I stood still My coat still on She read to me Because I stayed Because I asked A child is reading . . © 2016 Alice, a found poem Inspired from Twitter post by @DalilaE on...
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